Freelance Art + Creative Director
deshalb. | Désha Nujsongsinn is an independent creative director and multidisciplinary designer based in Munich, Germany. «deshalb.» delivers solutions by combining concepts with passion and skills.
Less blabla. More bam.
Providing professional creative services – off- & online – from conception to execution for agencies, design studios, global brands, local businesses and start-ups.
Conception / Consulting
Analysis / Idea Development / Conception / Creative Direction / Copywriting / Name Development / Strategy & Target Definition / Concept of Content / Structural Concept / Communication / Advisor in Design Matters / Pitch Support
Market Research / Logo Design / Branding Concept / Positioning / Corporate Design / Corporate Identity / Brand Development / Corporate Branding / CI-Manuals / Styleguides / Rebranding / Brand Book / Visual Guidelines
Editorial Design / Advertising / Print / Typography / Lettering / Packaging / Magazines / Cover Design / Books / Newspapers / Key Visuals / Poster / Calligraphy / Infographics / Font Design / Trade Fair Design
Concept of Navigation Structure / IA / User Guidance / UX / UI / XP / Webdesign / Screendesign / Webshops / Apps / Wireframing / Prototyping / Onepager / Microsites / Realization
Vector Work / Artwork / Key Visuals / Vector Graphics / Technical Illustration / Editorial Illustration / Packaging / Character Design / Icon Development
The driving force behind my output is to create new stuff. I’m addicted to making things and I love new work. Everyday:
I choose the art way.
I choose the art way.
Book me now. Love me later.
Don’t hesitate to get in touch.